Why Wellness Shouldn’t Be Another Item on Your To-Do List


Elevate Your Life & Business Using Microdosing

✨Empowering creators and entrepreneurs with micro-wellness and meta-thinking strategies. 🚀 Use m!crodos!ng as a catalyst to increase impact 🛠️ Practical tools and education about m!crodos!ng Every Monday you'll receive your Microdosing Digest containing amazing transformational stories and practical tips on how transform your own life and business. 📘 I am the creator of ODIN, the only microdosing workbook for systematic tracking; 🎙️ I'm the host at the Microdosing Stories Podcast; and I've created psychedelic retreats in Costa Rica. If you are ready to share this journey of creation with me, join me 👇 Sign up for your Microdosing Digest today!

Wellness made easy!

How Micro-Habits Can Transform Your Life

Reader, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about micro habits and how their effect compound over time to create lasting change.

As someone who’s passionate about helping people transform their lives, I’ve seen firsthand how well-intentioned attempts to incorporate mindfulness practices, to improve one's wellness, can easily turn into yet another stressor on an already overloaded to-do list.

And honestly, that defeats the purpose of incorporating wellness practises in the first place.

Many of my clients come back from retreats eager to incorporate mindfulness practises for their wellness into their daily lives.

But soon enough, they feel overwhelmed, fall behind, and spiral into feelings of shame and self-doubt—wondering why they can’t stick to their plan. They end up blaming themselves.

But here’s the truth: willpower alone only takes you so far.

Take me for example, and how I felt like a failure for the past month.

After consistently going to the gym three times a week for three months, I recently fell off the wagon. Now, I’m struggling to do the bare minimum, my daily walks, and I’ve asked myself—why is this happening?

More importantly, I wondered, how can I support my future self and her wellbeing, without shaming my present self for not sticking to the plan?

This is where the concept of micro-wellness occurred to me.

1. The Power of Small, Easy Wins

Two principles have guided me through this journey:

  • The first, from James Clear: make it so small that it’s impossible to fail.
  • The second: meet yourself where you are—with compassion, not force.

Here’s how I applied these principles.

I love morning stretching; it makes me feel energized and focused. But despite promising myself I’d do it each morning, I kept skipping it. I realized that the hardest part wasn’t the stretching—it was the first step of pulling out the yoga mat.

So, I changed the game. I started setting out my mat before I went to bed, and in the morning, seeing it already laid out made the decision to stretch effortless.

No self-talk. No convincing myself. It was just easy.

This tiny shift made it impossible for me to fail.

2. Meeting Myself with Compassion

I know myself for pushing hard to get what I want. I could have done it with my daily movement too.


Because deep down, I know that this lack of motivation for going tot the gym is just a symptom pf a deeper issue.

And my body needs SLOWNESS, and REST.

Maybe it’s the change of the season, maybe it’s the changes in my life... who knows?!

But I've noticed, I've also been sleeping longer, and eating very earthy foods and so, I know my body wants to be nourished and rest.

I could have forced myself to keep up the routine, but I chose not to. Instead, I focused on gentle movement—a simple morning stretch to keep me active without adding stress.

This experience got me thinking about micro-wellness: small, mindful habits that, over time, compound into something meaningful—without feeling like an extra chore.

How I define Micro-Wellness?

Micro-Wellness is all about small, manageable habits (micro-habits), that contribute to your wellness; and can seamlessly fit into your busy day without feeling like another item on your to-do list.

These micro-habits compound over time to create lasting change—so you can thrive both personally and professionally, without adding stress.

Keep reading to join my Micro-Wellness experiment 👇

Wellness Shouldn’t Be Another To-Do on Your List

So, we should meet yourself where you are.

One of my clients, Jen, returned from a psychedelic retreat and wanted to incorporate a wellness practice like breathwork with sound baths once a week. But she struggled to keep up with it. As a busy mom and businesswoman, she was already stretched thin, and trying to squeeze in a new practice felt overwhelming. She felt guilty for not following through on something she had promised herself.

When we started working together, I asked her, “What do you already enjoy doing?” It turned out that she loved cooking for her family, and she made it a priority. It was her alone time before everyone got home. But she found herself rushing through it, her mind preoccupied with the long to-do list looming over her.

So, I suggested this: What if you slowed down and made cooking more mindful? What if you used all your senses to be fully present in the moment? Smell the ingredients, savor the flavors, feel the texture of the food as you chop, and breathe slowly, grounding yourself in the activity. Turn cooking into your wellness practice—something you’re already doing, but now with intention and presence.

That small shift became her daily wellness practice. It was such a micro-change, but it made a huge difference in her mindset, emotions, and overall well-being.

Now, you might say, "How can you measure something like that?" But honestly, her subjective experience of feeling more calm, present, and less rushed matters more. After just two weeks, Jen reported feeling significantly less stressed, more present in the moment, and overall calmer.

Imagine what that did to her cortisol and adrenaline levels. By shifting from a rushed, fight-or-flight mode while cooking to a relaxed state, her body naturally began to regulate itself better. A simple, mindful adjustment in something she already loved doing made all the difference.

I see so many people stressing out over how to fit wellness into their already hectic schedules.

But here’s the thing: Wellness isn’t supposed to add more stress.

The whole point of a wellness practice is to bring balance, clarity, and peace—not to become another thing on your never-ending to-do list.

The Solution: Micro-Wellness

So, how do we change that? How do we incorporate wellness practices into our lives without turning them into obligations?

The answer is micro-wellness—bite-sized habits that fit seamlessly into your busy life without disrupting it.

These micro-habits allow you to experience the benefits of wellness without feeling burdened by it.

Join My Micro-Wellness Experiment
I’m currently running an experiment. I’m looking for 9 people who want to incorporate wellness into their lives without adding extra stress or guilt.
I’ll provide you with a FREE PERSONALIZED PLAN full of micro-wellness habits that are easy to follow and fit into your life.
If you’re curious and ready to try a new approach to wellness, fill out the form below 👇
Wellness should lift you up, not weigh you down. Let’s make it easy, simple, and sustainable—one small habit at a time.
Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

With 💚 from Ana

My Vision

I envision a world where people feel free to dream, create, and explore with childlike wonder.

My Mission

My mission is to inspire and empower YOU to live according to your true essence and dream again. I aim to help you shed the conditioning that has programmed you, align your mind, body, and heart, and fully express yourself. You have the freedom to live as you desire, to show up authentically, and to create the life you dream of.

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Elevate Your Life & Business Using Microdosing

✨Empowering creators and entrepreneurs with micro-wellness and meta-thinking strategies. 🚀 Use m!crodos!ng as a catalyst to increase impact 🛠️ Practical tools and education about m!crodos!ng Every Monday you'll receive your Microdosing Digest containing amazing transformational stories and practical tips on how transform your own life and business. 📘 I am the creator of ODIN, the only microdosing workbook for systematic tracking; 🎙️ I'm the host at the Microdosing Stories Podcast; and I've created psychedelic retreats in Costa Rica. If you are ready to share this journey of creation with me, join me 👇 Sign up for your Microdosing Digest today!